Kamis, 16 Maret 2017


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu
This time I will discuss about the skills that I have. Previously I'll explain what it terms of skills? Skill or expertise is the ability to do specific things, focused yet dynamic that requires a certain time to learn and can be proven. Skills can be learned but it takes a strong dedication to learn the art such as positive mental necessity, the spirit of motivation, time and sometimes money. So what skills do I have? The skills I have are in the art of dance, not everyone has the skills or expertise in dance, as we know that dancing is one of the artistic creativity that preserve culture, dancing is the processing of body shape in the form of dance, dance has been combined with beautiful dance movements and hand movements are soft and the sound of footsteps in unison with the rhythm.
 And what I've done for the skills I already have? I have done with the development of the skills that I have, such as developing and following the contested activities in the field of dance. Alhamdulillah last week I have been following the race and get the second winner OOSM FKIP UNTAN 2017. As for other skills or expertise that I have is like cooking, I also can cook different types of food, although still in the learning phase. I also have skills in the field of sports, namely badminton, I also have to follow the badminton competition even though I did not win I'm still learning, so that in the future I'll be better, with the skills I have now.
 All of the skills that I have had to keep my guard, so that the skills that I have not lost on me. I want to learn and continue to learn that what I have can make other people motivated, to continue to develop the skills you already have. No skill is useful to us, whatever we do all need the skills or expertise, the best skills are skills that are useful to themselves and others. Perhaps this that I can say about the skills that I have, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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